Daily Archives: October 5, 2011

Reference Managers and Citing-While-You-Write

Another quickie link-out type post (yes, alright, I’ll sit down and write a proper post sometime soon – it’s been a busy few weeks, OK?), this time to a… let’s say, a spirited discussion over on DrugMonkey’s blog on my very favourite topic – reference management. Well, it’s actually about writing and citing at the same time, but there’s loads of good work-flow related tips related to referencing and reference-management software.

Once again, for those of you at the back – if you’re a student and you’re not using something like Mendeley, then you are a) making your life much harder than it needs to be, and b) a massive idiot.

Dorothy Bishop on Making up Data

A quickie just to point you to an outstanding post by the never-less-than-excellent Dorothy Bishop (or @deevybee, and yes, you should be following her on twitter) on basic data simulation using Excel. Some brilliant and quite creative ways to use Excel for demos of simple statistical concepts – will definitely be incorporating this into some of my presentations/teaching on stats.