About this blog

“The lyf so short, the craft so long to lerne, the’ assay so hard, so sharp the conqueryinge”
– Geoffrey Chaucer

The inspiration for this blog has been my experience teaching and supervising students in various psychology departments. The practical aspects of psychology research have become so heavily dependent on computing knowledge and skills in the last twenty years that every student needs to have some basic knowledge of computers and software, and it is my firm opinion that cultivating such knowledge will not only help with the particular course you might be following, but will also assist with finding a job (or another course of study) at the end of it. This blog is an attempt to present some of my painfully-earned experience in an accessible manner, and thereby to try and help others avoid some of the many, many mistakes I’ve made through the use and abuse of technology in the service of science.

If you have suggestions for topics that you think I should cover or questions about any of the content, then please get in touch.

  1. Hi there, if you have an iPad you could take a look at NovoPsych psychometrics. Designed for psychologists to administer psychometric tests on iPad. Novopsych.com

  2. Thank you so much for this website – I was hoping for some computing information for psychologists – other sciences there is an overabundance!

  3. Your last line in your blog re brain training is extremely insulting to parents who go to the ends of the earth to try to get their children with learning disabilities a basic education. It represents the cold and callous attitude of less than caring educators and administrators who refuse to look in the mirror when it come to the ability to educate children who really want to learn until they encounter failure and disparaging comments.

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