Which fMRI analysis software (SPM, BrainVoyager, FSL)?

This one’s a bit advanced for the kind of information I generally want to include on here, but I thought it might be useful to somebody, so I’d put it up. I was recently asked to do a talk on fMRI software, so put together a presentation comparing three popular choices for analysing brain imaging data: SPM, BrainVoyager and FSL. I’ve used all three packages in the past for my work, although I’m not so expert with the new versions of SPM as I used to be. The talk was pretty basic, and focussed more on features and the UI experience of the three applications, rather than any technical details.

Anyway, the slides are available for download here (PDF, 3.6Mb) if anyone’s interested. All content is my personal opinion, your mileage may vary, etc. etc.

About Matt Wall

I do brains. BRAINZZZZ.

Posted on May 3, 2011, in Experimental techniques, Software and tagged , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 14 Comments.

  1. I need help, wich analisys de dti

  2. betterlivingthroughscience

    You can do DTI analyses with any of the three packages I mention (SPM, FSL, BV), but it rather depends on what you want to do. E-mail me if you want more help or have further questions.

  3. Thanks for your slides. I wonder if you could post them in a youtube with your talk included, it would be an exelent material for appreciating the different software options.

  4. Hi Juan,

    Many thanks for the excellent suggestion – if I a) work out how to do that, and b) get around to it I will definitely post it up here.

    Thanks again.

    • hello sir ,
      i am new to spm 8 and having some doubts can you please help me in spms

      • hello sir ,
        i am new to spm 8 and having some doubts can you please help me in spm

      • Without knowing what your problem is, all I can do is point you towards either the SPM 8 Manual (http://www.fil.ion.ucl.ac.uk/spm/doc/manual.pdf) or advise you search the SPM email list (https://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/cgi-bin/webadmin?A0=spm) to see if anyone else has had a similar problem.

      • while doing spatial preprocessing i am having 200 .nii files(3D nifti) of MR images and i want to make a complete resultant image of them please tell me what to do.
        Secondly when i do smoothning how to find the effect of smoothening on all the images

      • Do you want a mean image of your 200 individual files? A mean is calculated as part of the realignment step, so you should have one. Not sure what you mean by a ‘resultant’ image?

        Smoothing should have a pretty obvious effect on the images – if you open a smoothed and unsmoothed image side-by-side using the ‘Check Reg’ function in SPM the difference should be clear.

  5. We use Nordic brainex for DTI and BOLD.

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